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December 03, 2003


Dave Neiwert at Orcinus has several paragraphs worth quoting. And so I will:

In the end I realized that, when it came to everyone from personal friends to politicians, ideology mattered a great deal less than the person. The proof, in what is now my entrenched view, lies both in the personal integrity they exhibit and in the kinds of policies they promote. It came to matter less and less to me whether a person was Republican or Democrat; what counted, in a politician especially, was how straightforward and honest they were in dealing with the public, how well they balanced the needs of everyone with the rights of the individual, and most of all, how well they made better the lives of ordinary people.

But somewhere along the line, he punks out and gives up the Republican ship.

Moreover, I came distinctly to distrust ideologues -- because, I realized, ideas are more important to them than people. This observation arose first out of personal experience, because most ideologues are likely to reject friendships with those who don't think like them or fit their ideologies. I might be able to maintain a friendship with an ideologue (right or left) for awhile, but inevitably, they would reject me because I didn't fit the mold they wanted to make. Eventually this insight translated to my view of politicians and public figures as well. It has been for some time clear to me that hardened right-wing and left-wing partisans alike place their abstractions well above what happens to ordinary citizens in real life.

It's probably not fair for me, who has given up on the Democrats to razz Neiwert for his distrust of the Republican party. We see the same thing happening. Yet while he believes that it is corrupt beyond recovery, I see the infusion of new blood, The Old School, as its ticket to new life. My vision is longer term and optimistic.

I just hate to see good men give up, and isn't it ironic that he speaks of fascism?

Posted by mbowen at December 3, 2003 11:45 AM

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