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November 11, 2003

All I Have to Say On Veteran's Day

Is Amen to this:

I almost wept as Specialist Johnson put on her game face with Wallace, insomuch as what she did not say about Lynch spoke volumes about Johnson's character, about her merit as a soldier and as a woman and as an African American. With restrained dignity, Johnson fenced through her few minutes with Wallace and then went back to cooking or whatever she's doing these days, still on duty. No book deal. No movie.

The Kwaku Network is pissed.

Posted by mbowen at November 11, 2003 07:13 PM

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Amem! Amen! Amen!

Posted by: S-Train at November 12, 2003 10:51 AM


We are set to Celebrate our Vets
In this year Two Thousand Four
And sadly it’s another year
When our Soldiers are off at War.

There’s some say, "The War is just!"
And some who say, "It’s just not right!"
But the ones we should be talking to
Are Those who Walk, not Talk the Fight.

For, not all see things the way we do
In this good ol’ U S of A
For they have lived for centuries
In a completely different way.

Our Troops there Work to show them
How a People Freed can live
And They put Their Lives on the Line
And for Some, that’s what They Give.

So, following this Election Day
And as our Nation starts to heal
We must all come together
And let Them know how we all feel.

For, to One and All we send our, "Thanks!"
And Pray for Their Quick and Safe return
And Hope Their Torch of Freedom lit
Will for Now and Always Burn.

And to Those who Served before Them
In all times of Peace and War
We owe them a Debt of Gratitude
For our Life of Liberty, and so much more.

Del "Abe" Jones
White Bluff, TN

Posted by: Del "Abe" Jones at November 7, 2004 09:04 AM