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October 12, 2003

Not Since Cash

Racist hate mail has killed a blogger. Not literally of course, but S-Train says, through his ISP that he won't be blogging any longer. The story behind it will test your patience.

I am almost at a loss for words to describe how despicable these blockhead bastards are. S-Train suffered, in the dead of night, an armed attack on his house. To make a long story short, S-Train, who is black, stopped one of the armed white attackers with a shotgun. After the first shot, almost begging for a second, the attacker confessed his intent to kill all the niggers in the house. S-Train's wife saved the man's life by tapping her husband on the arm to inform him that the police were on the way. The second attacker fled, was apprehended by and confessed to police. No charges were brought against S-Train. He blogged the story, obviously shaken. 95% of the comments posted to his blog were positive and supportive. Then the cretins crawled in.

Certain individuals were convinced that since they didn't see it on the news, the story was a fabrication. They claimed that S-Train made up the story to cover for his hatred of white people whom he just couldn't wait to shoot. This is what was said on the website. We may never know what came in the mailbombing of his ISP.

The link that facilitated the widespread publication of S-Train's self-defense was Instapundit via Clayton Cramer whose skeptical take on the story may have encouraged the racist attackers.

What we have here is a first hand account of an aborted hate-crime that has spawned hateful defenses of the attacker. If we ever needed a reason to believe that hatred of blackfolks is alive and well, I couldn't invent a more blatant, twisted example.

I am literally stunned by this. I really can't think of anything so dastardly and poisonous since Cash defended Strohmeyer.

Posted by mbowen at October 12, 2003 02:20 AM

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http://www.socallawblog.com/archives/000954.html from The Southern California Law Blog
Every once in a while, you stumble upon a blog entry that is so disturbing you feel like you have been kicked in the gut. (via Cobb.)... [Read More]

Tracked on October 12, 2003 01:49 PM

http://www.socallawblog.com/archives/000954.html from The Southern California Law Blog
Every once in a while, you stumble upon a blog entry that is so disturbing you feel like you have been kicked in the gut. (via Cobb.)... [Read More]

Tracked on October 12, 2003 01:49 PM

Impact from Prometheus 6
I guess reading and responding to comments is blogging too. But I wasn't feeling all that creative today. I just thought I'd line up in no particular order what I've seen written because of the online part of the bullshit... [Read More]

Tracked on October 12, 2003 05:38 PM


Doesn't quitting like this just hand his detractors an easy victory? Now they know that it's easy for them to get under his skin.

Posted by: Abiola Lapite at October 12, 2003 06:10 AM

Yeah I felt that, but I didn't want to say it. After all, they guy had his whole family's lives threatened. I don't know much about his blog so I can't say I miss it much personally, but his is a sensible decision. I couldn't second-guess that.

Posted by: Cobb at October 12, 2003 10:44 AM

I think I understand why he closed up shop. As much as we'd like to think that we're important, when one is faced with death, when one has to comfort one's family and deal with the aftermath of such violence - well, all the blogs on the internet don't amount to a hill of beans.

People are freaking out about the percieved lack of information about the case. The point they're missing is that S-Train has more important things on his mind right now than "proving" that he went through this experience.

Posted by: kelley at October 12, 2003 02:15 PM

Quit? Let us give S-train some breathing space. I feel (hope), he needs to step back and take a break.

Posted by: latinopundit at October 12, 2003 10:10 PM