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October 03, 2003

Too Many Comics

Today I have hit upon a great goldmine of plot material for my comic. I must have gone on a tear and thrown together 7 of them in the course of an hour. I can't decide how many to publish at a time, but I've got to get them all out here. One of these days, I'm going to have to get a new domain and publish them in a more traditional way.

Kaddar, my ghost, has put up a dozen new characters and several more variations on the current crop, so I'm introducing them as a new subdivision to the neighborhood. I'm starting first with the animals (as you know Cobb's Neighborhood exists in three dimensions), but I also start with the rich kid directly conflicting with the gangsta mouse. It's going to escalate to some large battle of sorts, and I'm ramping up all of the characters as possible to get them involved. It's going to be interesting.

So if you see a whole lot more comic than usual, please be patient.

Posted by mbowen at October 3, 2003 03:27 PM

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What you need to do (assuming you have PHP installed) is to install the MTPaginate addin, and build an index template for your cartoons that you manually rebuild. Automatic order

Posted by: Prometheus 6 at October 3, 2003 04:36 PM