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October 01, 2003

Nowhere to Hide

There's only one safe place to be in America: behind mahogany.

As Jill Nelson has said, barring a meteor strike, Arnold S. is destined to be the next governor of California. Given the field, I think it was inevitable. On the one hand, I want to hang my head in shame because I honestly believe something is radically wrong when we elect an action figure to get us out of a fiscal crisis. On the other hand, I wonder if I should really worry at all. America may survive all this madness.

The only way to find out, it appears to me, is to have enough wealth and smarts to survive the dumbing down of American electoral politics. The whole schmere is almost too ridiculous to take seriously. Look at what we can stomach. I feel that it doesn't make sense to be outraged, or correct, just smart and wise enough to keep out of harm's way. What school of belief is this? Am I just maturing to the level of perception I should have had long ago? Is the best we can hope for a lack of civil war?

What has to break, I wonder, for the serious among us to make thoughtful things happen again?

Trauma surgeon! That's what the voice in my head keeps saying. Trauma surgeon, that's what you ought to be.

Posted by mbowen at October 1, 2003 04:20 PM

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