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November 04, 2003

Undoing D.A.R.E

"After three decades of fueling the US war on drugs with over half a trillion tax dollars and increasingly punitive policies," says LEAP, "illicit drugs are easier to get, cheaper, and more potent than they were 30 years ago. While our court system is choked with ever-increasing drug prosecutions, our quadrupled prison population has made building prisons this nation's fastest growing industry...Meanwhile people are dying in our streets and drug barons grow richer than ever before. We must change these policies."

Reason gives us plenty of reasons to toss the War on Some Drugs into the dustbin of history once and forever. I agree that it's about time we stop building prisons for people who just want to get high and that we do some very serious thinking about replacing tobacco tax revenues with marijuana revenues. Alcohol and THC are about all the drugs we need in our society. We're not going to get rid of either of them anytime soon.

Off the back of the envelope I would suggest that no television, radio or outdoor ads be allowed for legal pot. Manufacturers would be reduced to branding, packaging and instore displays.

Posted by mbowen at November 4, 2003 09:21 AM

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