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August 14, 2003


By now you probably know that the East Coast is dark in a blackout. I've got everything working just fine here in California, and my little guy is fine back in Brooklyn.

This is the thing everybody worried about for Y2K. Remember when that used to scare the bejeesus out of everyone? I can recall the scares and preparedness tracts penned by Ed Yourdon, the man who predicted the end of the American software industry at the hands of the Japanese. He actually had me thinking that I didn't want to be in this industry after the year 2000. I also remember some huge catastrophe for the US and Canada which was fictionalized by a story in Wired. I can't seem to find either of them, but there is this one reassuring piece for those like me who momentarily worried that this might be the effect of the current Blaster worm attack on Microsoft Servers..

We are indeed more than simply a robust infrastructure, we are a robust people. On the other hand, if we were without power for a couple weeks like some other places we know, seething would not begin to describe the anger.

I'm just glad everyone is OK and that we have healthy paranoids in our great nation.

Posted by mbowen at August 14, 2003 03:15 PM

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