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August 12, 2003


Sucky, Quiet and Terrible

Of course I am an action film fan. For me, the whole point of going to the theatre is to be blown away by the sound and lights, to have your emotional response echoed by the crowd and to eat sour gummies, but mostly the blowing away part.

I went to watch SWAT and I fell asleep. This has got to be the lamest action film I've seen in a long time. Even the one with Chris Rock as a spy was better than this. My recommendation, even if you are a big fan of all the stars, is wait for HBO; it's not even worth PPV.

I kept waiting for the good stuff and I realized that all the good stuff was in another movie. If you want Sam Jackson as a kick ass, then you have to go see Basic. If you want to see Los Angeles as a treacherous place, then go see Swordfish. If you want to see interestingly different chase scenes, go do The Italian Job again.

There's one redeeming quality about this movie, well at least the part I was awake for. That is that they used Leo's Barbecue on Crenshaw in a scene. Other than that? Pht.

Posted by mbowen at August 12, 2003 12:42 PM

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L.A.-as-treacherous-place? I didn't see "Swordfish," but the talk is that the standard may soon be reset by the coming remake of "Nine Queens." (Grab the original if you get a free evening sometime.)

Posted by: George at August 16, 2003 04:46 AM