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January 27, 2003

Paging April Glaspie

I was lazy yesterday, and my laziness will make me look like an idiot. So I don't have citations to back up my claim that I finally figured out the reason for the Bush Administration's arrogance on Iraq, even though linking in the blogosphere is child's play. Ok so demote me from Bro to Poindexter.

Part of this was Condi's recent argument published in theNYT that they know Saddam is lying. Then I discovered someplace else, some brit I think, that in the 80s, Rummy used to be an attache to Saddam. And suddenly it becomes clear. We know that Saddam has WMD because we armed him. To make that patently clear would require an embarrassing inquiry.

OK so now I'll do a little linking. How about this on April Glaspie? OK, now how about this one on July 25th 1990?. Mind you, I'm not reading all that crap. I'm just inferring that if the general public doesn't speak about April Glaspie (as if she were Lord Voldemort), then it will be more difficult for us to make sense of our insistence on the go-ahead. It makes perfect sense to give as much credibility as possible to Hans Blix, but we already know what we know.

This brings up an interesting question about the redaction of Saddam's own report. A cookbook for terrorism is hardly a good excuse. Any idiot with a ChemE can cook up a bunch of Ricin. It's growing the 'nads to set off the bomb that we ought to worry about. That being the case, what if Saddam, not a complete idiot, decided to put in a goodly amount of propaganda into his compliance report? Something indicting the US with complicity and sanction of Iraq's weaponry. Imagine that Saddam said, hey remember that guy Richard Secord from Iran - Contra? Iraq was 'country two', we got our chemical weapons in exchange for some infromation about Iran that we got during that war when America was on our side. Here's the Bill of Lading. Oooh, that would sting.

So while I'm just happy to be an American citizen, relatively safe from American weapons of mass destruction, I'm not going to get bogged down in generating conspiracy theories. It simply makes plain sense to me, and is a matter of record, that we ought to know a bit more than Hans Blix can discover about certain weapons in Saddam's arsenal, because we were responsible for selling him some.

Don't look at me, I'm not an investigative journalist. I'm too lazy to link, remember?

Posted by mbowen at January 27, 2003 12:40 PM

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I heared that she is dead, true or false

Posted by: T C at September 3, 2004 10:53 AM