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August 05, 2003

Boswell Is That You?

Once upon a time, the one single place journalists and other decent writers on the internet hung out was the Well. There has been nothing like it before or since. One of the most brilliant and hilarious of luminaries was a a devasting wit named Gerard, who went by the psuedonym of 'Boswell'. I think I've stumbled upon his blog.

He doesn't seem to be quite the same person I recall. He seems to have gotten a case of the patriotic bombasto-pox. Fortunately, he can still be hilariously caustic. I'll not miss his new blog often.

So where's Vard?

Posted by mbowen at August 5, 2003 05:01 AM

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Tracked on March 16, 2005 02:29 PM


You've found me out. But, what can I say, when you stand about a quarter-mile from the WTC on a bright September morning and see 3,000 of you fellow citizens murdered it can reboot your whole belief spectrum. And besides, who wants to be the same for the rest of their life?

Thanks for the nice words.

Posted by: Van der Leun at August 6, 2003 03:25 PM

Vards still on the Well but she also has a fotolog on fotolog.

Posted by: gvdl@cox.net at August 6, 2003 03:26 PM