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August 03, 2003
Mutual Admiration
As those of you who have been reading me lately know, I've gone deep into the shed with some blackified topics. It has been refreshing and rewarding in and of itself, but has gone beyond that in the direction of 'all good'.
Primarily I'm talking about a writer whose blogorific acquaintance I have only just recently met: Prometheus 6. Whether or not that 6 signifies anything relating to a little thing several cats from Ithaca formed that many years after the beginning of the 20th century, we are clearly brothers. And dig this, he's even hip to Sekou Sundiata. So I have added him to the unmarked yet distinct area of the blog maki for my existential partners as well as taking cues from what he's writing these days.
As he has already noted, the similarities between our webified presence is striking. He blogs in realtime on a wide variety of subjects and maintains a good deal of static material. His writing is unusually thorough and he doesn't shy away from the tough subjects. He appears to be hardheaded and unsentimental about Africa without being dismissive of its prospects. That's a very promising start. It's going to take me a while to digest significant portions of his extensive work, but I suspect I will find it very rewarding. P6 is all that.
Secondly, I am going to have to give much props to My Friend George who is building what may very well become the center of news and observations catalyzing substantial black thought, that is the Negrophile. While I find the front page uniquely styled, I must confess that I haven't quite decided to love it or hate it. But there is absolutely no question that the content is dead on. I would go as far as to say that Negrophile is to domestic affairs what the Agonist is on the geopolitical tip. It is truly a work of inspired, and damned disciplined genius.
What's special about Negrophile in particular is that its presence gives me that very unique sense that now that it exists, there is one less thing in the world that I must do. It has been done exactly as I would have, had I the skill, dedication and patience. I reserve that compliment for very few, notably Aaron McGruder.
As for the P6, he's only slightly misstepped by lumping me under the liberal heading on his blogroll, but he even thinks Volokh is liberatarian. I don't mind despite trying my best to represent Old School in a way that people squirting out of the sides of Democratic orthodoxy might recognize and grab on. On the other hand, I've been put in the same category as people who still give a damn about Mumia Abu Jamal and that smarts. All in all, I'm just proud to be read by such a fine mind. There's no doubt that between us all, most everything will be covered.
Days like these, I think that the Quad A is possible.
Posted by mbowen at August 3, 2003 02:45 PM
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Tracked on March 15, 2005 12:21 PM
That "liberal" label is only because I used blogrolling.com to grab your address like three minutes after hitting your blog. That way I could read a while without forgetting to blogroll you.
You have a preferred group? I've been thinging about grouping all the Black bloggers I find anyway.
Posted by: Prometheus 6 at August 3, 2003 04:01 PM