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July 15, 2003
Hearing Harry
I finally finished listening to Harry Potter's latest adventure. I think I should have read it, as that would have taken less time. Instead, I bought the CDs, and went through a dozen batteries in the Walkman.
Listening to a book is a self-conscious activity. I haven't worn headphones outdoors in a decade, and never walked around listening to somebody speaking in the voices of a dozen different characters. I've discovered that the interstices of life are actually fairly vast. The time spent driving to lunch, standing in line, shopping or constructively ignoring other people adds up. Into this time, if you are willing to be rude and disconnected, you can stuff a bit of fantasy into your day.
Harry's world, Rowling's work is quite engaging. Although people who have spent a great deal more time and effort in advanced fantasy worlds find it flat, I have been delighted. As much of the chatting classes now know, some highbrows have rather condescending things to say about Rowling. But I, who generally believe in Culture, am a big defender and fan.
Posted by mbowen at July 15, 2003 01:20 AM
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