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July 08, 2003

28 Days Later

Horror is an emotion I understand a bit better now. I have been horrified.

Unlike any film I've ever seen, '28 Days Later' is a truly chilling experience. It's even difficult to say whether or not it was entertainment so much as a lesson in the darker side of human nature and the twin poles of hope and despair. The premise is simple. What happens if a virus that causes violent madness within 20 seconds of exposure got loose? What happens to individuals? What happens to society?

The answers are brought to the screen with a unique style of filmmaking that will leave you breathlessly gripping your seat. It is a combination of quick cuts, gothic images and modern music that is immediate, graphic, haunting and memorable. This is a film for those lovers of film who will remember a two second shot for its composition and color, in '28 Days Later' is the work of a director with an excellent eye who uses plenty such compositions. He proves himself deft at both fast paced action and close tracking of emotions.

Of course often the emotions are fear, horror, revulsion, anxiety and confusion. That's what kind of film this is, and its ability to convey such things, intelligently and artfully make it something you must see.

Posted by mbowen at July 8, 2003 09:16 PM

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