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June 27, 2003

BIG Research

Cringely has an interesting article this week. I wonder why he doesn't blog it all, it would be a very interesting site. At any rate, aside from his point which I agree with, I find it remarkeable to consider how much Xerox has shaped what we do.

It's probably not fair to compare PARC to the spate of internet companies, but I think it's fair to say that the only brainstorming and research that has come to fruition has come from the big companies. Intel, Cisco, Xerox, IBM. So perhaps we should rethink the assumptions that the little guys innovate. They don't innovate long enough for their ideas to live in real markets. In the end, good ideas die broke, and the world doesn't change.

Ideas live and come to reality from the massive institutions. That's what I believe today.

Posted by mbowen at June 27, 2003 05:01 PM

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