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June 25, 2003
Almost a Nation
In the news Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah issued a joint statement that they will suspend their militant campaign against the state of Israel. Taking the cynical view, I suppose that means when the next bus explodes, they simply won't take credit.
What is one to make of a promise such as this? If I tell you that I won't rape your sister for three months and I don't, does that make me trustworthy? Probably not. I'm not going to celebrate this, as if I celebrated any news out of that nasty little corner of the world. I'll just reiterate my most caustic advice: International Protectorate.
Go ahead Security Council, I dare ya.
Side Note: I have it on the authority of someone I trust that Hezb'Allah is not to be judged in the same breath as these three. Hezb'Allah is not such a terrorist organization in that they like Umkhonto we Sizwe are a militant wing targetting only infrastructure and military installations.
Posted by mbowen at June 25, 2003 08:47 PM
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