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June 25, 2003

Edwards on Taxes

Over at CalPundit, I just saw a peek at something Edwards has said on the stump trail. It sounds good to me. A very nice rhetorical device.

[George Bush's] economic vision has one goal: to get rid of taxes on unearned income and shift the tax burden onto people who work. This crowd wants a world where the only people who have to pay taxes are the ones who do the work.

Everybody deserves tax relief equally? That's what Howard Jarvis was saying, and he aimed his tax relief right smack at the middle class. Is it special interest lobbying that has skewed GWBush's tax relief or does he really have it in for the working class? As a Bush, he's got class issues for sure, but Edwards is not going to let him off the hook.

For my money, Edwards has to do better than wreck Bush rhetorically, which he clearly does and will. He's going to have to show me the money. It's the economy again, stupid.

Posted by mbowen at June 25, 2003 07:11 AM

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