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June 16, 2003

Two Crappy Flicks

As much as I enjoy Spectravision whenever I travel, I have to warn you away from two movies that blow. 'The Hunted' and 'The Core'.

Briefly, "The Hunted" is a great movie to put you to sleep because there are very long passages with nothing but movie music and Tommy Lee Jones running through the woods. The best thing you can say about that is that it's nice to know orchestra musicians can get paid. The premise was good enough but...

On the other hand The Core was so bad that I expect the acting careers of all involved to fall to the center of the Earth. There was one interesting scene. That was when the drill train landed in the middle of a giant geode and the lava broke through the ceiling. Not one joke in the whole movie. It took itself too seriously.

Posted by mbowen at June 16, 2003 12:42 AM

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