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June 10, 2003

Thanks Whitey!

George throws me a straight line.

"We all knew having a black God was a choice that would be talked about," Mr. Oedekerk noted, "but I don't think we were thinking it would be as groundbreaking as it turned out being. I was personally surprised by the attention this received. For me this type of casting isn't as groundbreaking as it is overdue."

If you haven't heard, God is black. No, wait. Morgan Freeman is black. No wait. This is more confusing than the Matrix. That guy named Jim Carrey who makes more money than the black guys who launched his career gets to be God while God takes a holiday. Hell, what was the name of that show? Or was that a rock band? This has been done before hasn't it? No that was a jewish guy. Was George Burns jewish? No just touched in the head. Or was he touched by an angel? Wait that's it. Heaven Can Wait. No that was the Rock. Or wasn't he the 13th disciple? No. Wait.

I don't think whitefolks take God seriously enough to care if He's black. Hey, but thanks anyway. It's always good to know that Morgan Freeman has a job.

Posted by mbowen at June 10, 2003 11:55 PM

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