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June 08, 2003

The Cage

The Cage is reserved for criminals against humanity. It is the death sentence handed down by the International Justice Tribunal and by First Initiative in free and fair elections in the liberated country. For some, there is no reconciliation their truth will bring them, only permanent exile from the human community.

When they are sentenced, the convicts are moved into the Cage. It will be newly fashioned for them, for the old Cages are not retrieved. It will bear their name on a plate. Perhaps they will share it with their fellows, perhaps not. But they will be shackled and they will wait for the parade.

The Parade of Expulsion will be the last time the convict will see human beings. They will line the streets and throw flowers, coins and kisses at the driver of the cart carrying the convict in his Cage. They will throw rotten fruits, vegetables, foul water and excrement at the Cage. They will jeer and taunt. They will kick him goodbye.

A robotic crane will lift each Cage onto a robotic ship. At the bow will be the raised platform onto which the Cages will be placed. The ship will take the convicts out beyond the boundaries of nations into the deep. As the land disappears behind them, they will be rid of humankind for good. The open ocean will be their final home, and they will be dumped.

Posted by mbowen at June 8, 2003 06:29 PM

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