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April 10, 2003
Trying Times
I've been spread from pole to pole, and finally just exasperated myself into partial oblivion. But I'm back on top I think. War has had me plastered to the Agonist and my other sources all over. So what's new:
- Trying to understand the CSS for MT so I can get this site to look decent.
- Trying to understand RSS for Radio so that I can import all my history from the original Cobb, the Blog.
- Trying to figure out some way to get people over to OSR.
- Trying to keep the ball rolling over at Vision Circle.
- Trying to find my creative juices, well - I did. So there's new stuff at Cobb, the Comicstrip, finally after 10 days.
- Trying to finish all my taxes. That's 75% done.
- Trying to decide Tivo vs Replay.
- Trying not to lose my momentum in going to the gym.
But there's a lot of good news.
- My boy got his 5th straight A in as many tests.
- Everybody is coughing, but it's not serious.
- My foresight in overbuilding my database automation routines at work paid off. They just invented 4 new streams of data from the ETL.
- My boy D is in town, and we'll hang out this weekend.
- We won the Little League Raffle (that pays for the Tivo, or is it Replay?)
- I really am happy with Dreamhost.
- I got six authors signed up at Vision Circle.
All in all things are good and looking up.
Posted by mbowen at April 10, 2003 11:05 PM